People often borrow money for major purchases. Why? Because most people don’t have enough of their own money right now to buy expensive things they really need, like a vehicle, a home, or assistive technology. That doesn’t mean, however, that you can’t buy these things. Instead you can borrow what you need to purchase the item now, and then pay the money you borrowed back over time.
In this topic you will learn:
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Assistive technology (AT) is any device that helps a person with a disability do the things they want to do – including work, go to school, live in their own home, communicate, play, and be active in the community. Examples of AT include an adapted vehicle, a ramp into a home, an iPad, hearing aids, and a wheelchair or scooter.
This topic corresponds with Chapter 7: Borrowing Money in the book Cents and Sensibility: A Guide to Money Management. Learn more about Cents and Sensibility.